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The First Hydrogen School was established as a startup under the European project: The European Institute of Innovation and Technology High Education Institutions Initiative project “Accelerating Sustainable Hydrogen Uptake Through Innovation and Education” of the EU “Horizon Europe” program(KICstartH2,,
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First Hydrogen School team has excellence in areas relevant to fuel cells and hydrogen technology. We participated in more than 12 international research and educational projects and grants under different programs (FP6, FP7, INTAS, NATO, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe). Our educational activity includes developed remote educational module “High temperature Fuel Cells” for MSc course at Birmingham University (under the TeacHy2020 project, https:/, and continuous professional development (CPD) course “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells” for National Technical University of Ukraine “I. Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic institute” (under the KICstartH2 project).
In addition, our team was a responsible organizer of the Advance Study Institute Ceramic Fuel Cells (ASI CFC) under project of the NATO “Science for Peace and security” program. ASI CFC helped to attract the top-ranked professors and experts in the field of FCH from all around the world to give their lectures during two-week symposium in Kiev, Ukraine.
First Hydrogen School accumulates and combines the vast experience of our team as such act as a single-stop shop to disseminate and propagate the knowledge concerning hydrogen technologies and fuel cells in Ukraine.
First Hydrogen School provides access to plethora of FCH teaching and training material for partner educational institution and offer different forms of education (1 on 1 and group, live and online classes and workshops with teachers, vocational and summer education and training).
Про курс підвищення кваліфікації
The First Hydrogen School that is the first and the only in Ukraine represents continuous professional development (CPD) course “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells”, which is devoted to training of students and professionals to increase their knowledge, understanding and experiences in hydrogen and fuel cells technological fields.
Under the CPD course, you will gain the new knowledge and become familiar with advanced and promising energy technologies relating to hydrogen production, transportation and usage, and, of course, fuel cells as the key technology of the Hydrogen Energy.
The CPD course consists of lecture materials and questionnaire quizzes and tests to exam the knowledge of the attendees. After the exam, you will receive a certificate of results (with a mark).
Кожен з наших лекторів має великий досвід викладання
Lecturer in Hydrogen Safety
HySAFER Centre, Ulster University, UK
Graduated from the National Aerospace University (Ukraine) in 2007 as Mathematical Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He has been a member of the Hydrogen Safety Engineering and Research Centre (HySAFER) team at Ulster University since 2012 as a PhD student and since 2014 as a Research Associate in Safety Engineering and 2020 Lecturer in Hydrogen Safety.
His research interests and responsibilities within HySAFER are the provision of relevant experience in the area of hydrogen safety in particular the analytical and CFD studies of different hydrogen safety related phenomena, for example unignited releases and dispersion of hydrogen in vented enclosures, including analytical studies of ignited pressure peaking and radiation from the hot layer indoors, CFD simulations of hydrogen non-premixed combustion with an EDC model to study hydrogen jet fire dynamics and simulations of hydrogen tank rupture with blast wave and fire ball, simulations of flame lift-off and blow-off etc.
Volodymyr also leading teaching activities within the HySAFER team on a PgCPD programme in Hydrogen Safety consisting of two modules:
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Module 1 - Principles of Hydrogen Safety. Module focuses on the fundamentals of hydrogen safety science and engineering. It combines a variety of disciplines in an engineering framework 'Principles of Hydrogen Safety' that includes but not limited to relevant Regulation Codes and Standards (RCS). Insight into these principles is developed and explained to enable a student to understand the origin and phenomenology of hydrogen safety problems involving hydrogen properties related to safety, unscheduled releases and dispersion of expanded and under-expanded jets, permeation, ignition mechanisms, microflames, hydrogen jet fires, hazard distances, effect of hydrogen on materials, etc. The case studies are the part of the module to reinforce the best practice in hydrogen safety.
Module 2 - Hydrogen safety technologies. Module builds on and develops further the knowledge acquired in module “Principles of hydrogen safety”. It focuses on advances in hydrogen safety technologies, including but not limited to prevention and mitigation techniques, as well as novel safety strategies and engineering solutions to provide inherently safer deployment of hydrogen systems and infrastructure. You will learn how to design hydrogen ventilation systems, prevent civil structures from demolition by the pressure peaking phenomenon and deflagrations, deal with cryogenic and liquefied hydrogen systems, understand pressure and thermal effects of indoor jet fires, mitigate deflagrations and deflagration-to-detonation transition, prevent accidents with hydrogen storage, assess hazard distances from blast wave and fireball after tank rupture in a fire, perform quantitative risk assessment, use computational fluid dynamics as contemporary tool for hydrogen safety engineering, etc. Completion of both modules of this fully online program leads to the award of a Postgraduate Certificate of Professional Development (Hydrogen Safety). The cost of the program for the academic year 2023-2024 is: UK student (£1119.90 per module), International student (£2640.00 per module). If you wish to apply for PgCert please use this link: applications are completed online.
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The Project aims to accelerate hydrogen uptake throughout Europe through education and innovation, by targeting students and industry professionals. Leveraging on a consortium of 7 HEIs, 2 research institutes, and 1 SME consulting firm to bring forward niche educational methodologies that not only tackle content on hydrogen technologies but also innovation methods in business and management.
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You should choose the plan which meets your needs and requirements and send us a message to place the order. You can also make it online.
The Project will take a lead in building a repository of university grade educational material, and design and run an MSc course in FCHT, accessible to students from all parts of Europe. To achieve this, the project has assembled a core group of highly experienced institutions working with a network of associate partners (universities, vocational training bodies, industry, and networks). TeacHy2020 offers these partners access to its educational material and the use of the MSc course modules available on the TeacHy2020 site. Any university being able to offer 20% of the course content locally, can draw on the other 80% to be supplied by the project.
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You should choose the plan which meets your needs and requirements and send us a message to place the order. You can also make it online.
NATO Project SPS G5949
The project is aimed on development of Light-Weight Solid Oxide Fuels Cell (LW-SOFCs) operating at 600 ºC using hydrogen or propane gas as a fuel. This intellectual merit is based on two innovative approaches developed by authors earlier and that will be joined in a proposed novel LW-SOFC design. Ukraine, Türkiye, Czech Republic and Azerbaijan cooperate within the framework of the project
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You should choose the plan which meets your needs and requirements and send us a message to place the order. You can also make it online.
"House of Europe" #42160-IPG-EDU, 2024.
“Development of a popular science course “Fuel cells as the basis technology of hydrogen energy using the STEM approaches to spread knowledge about hydrogen energy among youth” Grant under EU program "House of Europe" #42160-IPG-EDU, 2024.
Project goal: Development of a popular science course "Fuel Cells as a basement of Hydrogen Energy" order to familiarize young people with promising technologies and the basics of renewable and hydrogen energy.
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The video lectures will contain elements of the STEM approach to demonstrate the operation of fuel cells:
1) Hydrogen production using electricity generated by solar panels and/or wind turbines;
2) Hydrogen accumulation and storage;
3) Further use of hydrogen, If necessary, producing electrical energy from it, will be used by the consumer;
4) Demonstration of assembling a portable energy system based on fuel cells - with the aim to help students understand the principles of fuel cell operation and engineering approaches to assembling an energy system based on them.
The presentation materials will be prepared in collaboration with an expert, Dr. Volodymyr Shentsov, a lecturer at the University of Ulster (United Kingdom).
The created video materials will be uploaded with open access on the YouTube channel of the educational center "First Hydrogen School"
Ready to gain new knowledge in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology? Contact us and sign up for the course!
Institute for Problems of Materials Science of NationalAcademy of Science of Ukraine3 Krzhyzhanovskyi Str., Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM
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